Chem-Labs Ltd


About Chem-Labs Ltd ...

Chem-Labs Ltd was founded in 1995 as a limited liability Company with the aim of procuring and distributing quality laboratory and medical diagnostic products to Clinical laboratories, Universities, Hospitals and Research Institutions in the regional market at competitive and affordable prices.

Chem-Labs Ltd endeavors to offer its clients a comprehensive range of diagnostic products spanning the entire line of laboratory medicine including clinical chemistry, haematology, microbiology, parasitology and serology. Currently, the company has a client portfolio of over 400 institutions made up of Private and Public hospitals, International NGOs, Private Medical Laboratories, Research institutions, Universities and other institutions of higher learning.

Chem-Labs Ltd's mission is to enhance healthcare delivery through the provision of high quality and innovative laboratory diagnostic products while providing the finest available technical service and support to every customer.

Chem-Labs Ltd vision is to be a premier organization that is a first choice partner in the medical field as a supplier of quality and affordable laboratory diagnostic products and related technical services.

Chem-Labs Ltd product range includes:
• Clinical Chemistry
• Hematology
• Elisa / Immunology / Serology
• Medical and Hospital Equipment
• Urinalysis
• General Lab Equipment
• Coagulation
• Microbiology
• Plasticware
• Rapid Tests
• Point of Care
• Molecular DX
• Integrated Systems

Country profiles: Chem-Labs Ltd in Kenya, Chem-Labs Ltd in Uganda, Chem-Labs Ltd in South Sudan

Chem-Labs Ltd Contact Details:


Human House, Ngara West Road, Off Museum Hill 23, Nairobi, Kenya

P.O Box 38779–00600,
Nairobi, Kenya


Social Media:
Connect with Chem-Labs Ltd on: Facebook | Twitter |

Chem-Labs Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Chem-Labs Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Equipment
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Supplies
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Providers and Services \ Health Care Distributors

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