AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions


About AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions ...

AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions was established to supply and programme manage drip systems in Zimbabwe. In addition, AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions currently supply BioPesticides via integrated pests management (Gwanzura IPM spraying programs), Hybrid Seeds, fertilizers (Liquid NPK Gold Blend) and their corresponding fertilzer reduction bio rationals (Plant Catalyst).

AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions products and services include:
• Bio Pesticides
• Pheromone Lure Traps
• Tuta Absoluta Zimbabwe
• DBM Zimbabwe
• NPK Liquid Gold Blend
• Plant Catalyst
• Drip Irrigation
• Technisem Seeds
• Business Hours
• Pest, Diseases and Fertilizer Guides

AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions Contact Details:


20 St Quintin Avenue, Eastlea, Harare, Zimbabwe


AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions - Easy Price Book Zimbabwe

AfroDripTec ZimAgro Solutions business areas:

Materials \ Materials \ Chemicals \ Fertilizers and Agricultural Chemicals
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Agricultural and Farm Machinery
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Diversified Support Services

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