Naphtali 1965
About Naphtali 1965 ...
The Naphtali Company produces and markets a luxury range of quality, stylish and comfortable bathrobes, dressing gowns, day gowns, bridesmaids gowns and housecoats for discerning customers.
In additon to the luxury range of gowns the Naphtali company markets sleepwear and a host of gifts. To this end The Naphtali Company prides itself in assuring an outstanding quality and comfort in each and every product we offer. Mindfulness, Luxury, being the operative word.
The Naphtali Company embraces life and believes in the adage that ... "giving is soulful living" ... body, mind and soul. Giving to oneself or others and should acknowledge the value of time and the beauty of life itself.
The Naphtali luxury collection is exclusively created and designed, with a focus on quality, precision and a distinctive style.
Naphtali 1965 Contact Details:

Naphtali 1965 business areas:
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods \ Apparel, Accessories and Luxury Goods
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods \ Footwear
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods \ Textiles
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Services \ Diversified Consumer Services \ Specialized Consumer Services
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Apparel Retail