Roofings Ltd


About Roofings Ltd ...

Roofings Ltd mainly engages in cold forming and produces a vast range of steel products for the construction sector.

Roofings Ltd is located on plot 126 Entebbe Road, Lubowa Estate, and approximately 6 km from Kampala city.

Launched in 1995, Roofings Ltd was the anchor that helped established the other two subsidiaries that make up the Roofings Group.

Roofings Ltd products include:
• Sheets - AZED Sheets
• Wire products - Galvanised wire products
• Reinforcement Steel / TMT Plus - Hollow sections, Mild steel Hot and Cold Plates, Open Profiles, etc
• Poly Pipes - High Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene Random, PVC – Poly-vinyl Chloride, etc
• Trading Items - Accessories

Roofings Ltd Contact Details:


Plot 126, Lubowa Estate, Entebbe Road, Uganda

P.O Box 7169,
Kampala, Uganda


Roofings Ltd - Easy Price Book Uganda

Roofings Ltd business areas:

Materials \ Materials \ Construction Materials \ Construction Materials
Materials \ Materials \ Metals and Mining \ Steel
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Building Products \ Building Products
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Construction and Engineering \ Construction and Engineering
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors

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