Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd


About Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd ...

Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd (KPI) are manufacturers of essential quality medicines in a range of therapeutic areas such as Analgesics, Antibiotics, Antimalaria, Anti-Parasitics, Cold & Remedies, Anti-Diabetic, Cardiovascular Drugs, Anti-Asthma, Tropicals and many others.

Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd (KPI) is part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) which is a group of development agencies working in economic, social and cultural development, primarily in Asia and Africa.

Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd Contact Details:

Website: https://www.kpi.co.ug

Plot: M444B Stretcher Road,
P.O Box 7551
Kampala, Uganda

+256 (414) 285 645
+256 (752) 285 645

Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd - Easy Price Book Uganda

Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries (1996) Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Drug Retail
Health Care \ Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences \ Pharmaceuticals \ Pharmaceuticals

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