Uganda Batteries Ltd


About Uganda Batteries Ltd ...

Uganda Batteries Limited is the leading company in the automotive battery industry, first registered in 1967 in Uganda with a mission to be responsible producers set to maximize the needs of our customers and all stakeholders while minimizing the environmental impacts of our operations.

Uganda Batteries has been offering a full range of Battery services to Individual customers, Dealers/Agents and organizations (public and private sector). The companys excellence is the result of forty seven years of hard work, resilience and keeping abreast with modern technology.

Uganda Batteries Ltd Contact Details:


Plot 6/8 Kalitunsi Road,

Bugolobi Industrial Area

P.O Box 7049,
Kampala - UGANDA

0393 206 399

Uganda Batteries Ltd - Easy Price Book Uganda

Uganda Batteries Ltd business areas:

Consumer Discretionary \ Automobiles and Components \ Auto Components \ Auto Parts and Equipment
Utilities \ Utilities \ Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers \ Renewable Electricity

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