Solar Construct Ltd


About Solar Construct Ltd ...

Solar Construct installs high quality European Solar Thermal Systems in East Africa. We design, install turnkey heating solutions that suit the specified domestic, commercial and development project of any size. Our experience in the Solar Thermal Technology business is extensive. We have over 15 years experience in designing, maintaining and installing Thermal Systems in Uganda.

Solar Construct Ltd Contact Details:


Mulwana Road, Plot 45A

+256(0)393 264 264
+256 772 732 690
+256 782 185 394

Solar Construct Ltd - Easy Price Book Uganda

Solar Construct Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Construction and Engineering \ Construction and Engineering
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Home Improvement Retail
Utilities \ Utilities \ Electric Utilities \ Electric Utilities
Utilities \ Utilities \ Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers \ Renewable Electricity

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