Precise Diagnostic And Medical Supplies Ltd


About Precise Diagnostic And Medical Supplies Ltd ...

Whether it´s fine Diagnostic and Medical products, consumables or equipments, Precise Diagnostic and Medical Supplies has many product lines to provide you with consistent and tangible results. We are among the top suppliers of laboratory consumables and Medical supplies because of our comprehensive product range supported by first class customer service/distributorship, fast and efficient delivery, online ordering plus our competitive pricing.

Precise Diagnostic and Medical Supplies is a company truly dedicated to its Customers.

We supply laboratory and medical equipment, reagents and all types of laboratory accessories.

Precise Diagnostic And Medical Supplies Ltd Contact Details:


Plot 15
Ntinda II Road
Lower Naguru East

+256 414 342073
+256 414 250 352

Precise Diagnostic And Medical Supplies Ltd - Easy Price Book Uganda

Precise Diagnostic And Medical Supplies Ltd business areas:

Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Equipment
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Supplies
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Technology \ Health Care Technology
Health Care \ Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences \ Biotechnology \ Biotechnology
Health Care \ Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences \ Life Sciences Tools and Services \ Life Sciences Tools and Services

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