Kibo Seed Company Ltd


About Kibo Seed Company Ltd ...

The main responsibility of Kibo Seeds is producing, importing, marketing and distributing superior and reliable vegetable seeds for commercial and domestic use.

A high yield from seeds is determined by a variety of factors such as; soil fertility, weather patterns, seed quality, disease control and prevention and the form of irrigation applied. Please pass by any of our offices for any advice you may need.

Kibo Seed Company Ltd Contact Details:


P.O.BOX 25,
Arusha - Tanzania

+255 785 555 112

Kibo Seed Company Ltd - Easy Price Book Tanzania

Kibo Seed Company Ltd business areas:

Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Distributors \ Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Internet and Direct Marketing Retail \ Internet and Direct Marketing Retail
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products

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