ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd


About ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd ...

ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd is a manufacturer and supplier of domestic home appliances at competitive prices.

ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd's vision is to operate chains of home appliances plants in strategic major cities in Rwanda and neighboring countries.

ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd's mission is to develop highly successful and profitable chains of home appliance plants with state of the art facility and latest technology.

ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd products and services include:
• Refrigerators and Accessories
• Freezers and Accessories
• Solar Water Heaters and Accessories
• Gas Cooker and Accessories
• Repair and Service of appliances
• Detergents and Liquid soaps
• Table Ceramic products

ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd Contact Details:


KKN 2 MIC Building, Nyarugenge, Kigali, Rwanda


ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd - Easy Price Book Rwanda

ALMAHA For Industry Company Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Household Appliances
Consumer Staples \ Household and Personal Products \ Household Products \ Household Products

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