Business Insurance at Resolution Insurance
Resolution Insurance understands that your business needs to be protected in case of any type of loss. We offer an SME insurance policy specifically designed to suit small to medium sized businesses and/ or office operations.
Why opt for Resolution business insurance policies?
There is one proposal form, one premium and policy document with one renewal date for fast processing of your insurance claim.
We fast track your insurance claims
The insurance option is administered easily so that you can concentrate on your core business
We offer a minimum cover of 3 sections on your business
You get discounted insurance premiums if all sections are covered.
We offer a minimum premium of KES 10,000
Occupation Exclusions
All occupations are covered except the following for which insurance will be quoted for separately.
Exhibitions / Jewellery / mobile phones & airtime shops
Petrol Stations / garages / printers / woodworkers / bookshops
Forex bureaus/banks/beer and cigarettes dealers
Explosives/flammable substances e.g paraffin, petrol, chemicals, gases etc