Annual Summit on Investment Opportunities in Kenya (ASIO) 2020
The Annual Summit on Investment Opportunities in Kenya (ASIO) is a premier investment summit of its kind that will delve into opportunities and risks as well as all aspects of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Kenya and the larger African Continent.
Under the theme of ´Promoting Kenya as the premier business gateway to Africa´, the event has been driven by the need to streamline and expose foreign investors to the already existing investment-worthy opportunities, the sectors that are most profitable to invest in, the laws and regulations surrounding business ownership and operations and also the partners to work with.
The conference will also shape the future of foreign investments in Africa by bringing together over 24 Professional Speakers, foreign and local investors, CEOs, established companies in Europe, Asia and America seeking for expansion opportunities in Africa, local trade ministries, private and public sector institutions, National and County Governments, NGO´s, trade and investment bodies, parastatals and international agencies.
Register today and be a part of this great experience.
Annual Summit on Investment Opportunities in Kenya (ASIO) 2020, organized by East Africa Business Consultants.