Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL)


About Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) ...

Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) was founded in 2006 in Kenya under Turkish management.

Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) has been in the petroleum industry for about 10 years and has acquired vast experience in petroleum technology.

Over the years, we have worked and we continue to work with some of the most distinct players in the petroleum industry. It has been of pivotal importance to ensure that we bring forth a sustainable economy and advanced technology in the petroleum industry.

Some of Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) products and services include:
• Mobile Stations
• Petroleum Pumps
• Pump Accessories

Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) Contact Details:

Website: https://www.ycl.co.ke

Afriq Center No:02, Masai Road, Off Mombasa Road, Nairobi, Kenya

P.O Box 21040-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya


Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) - Easy Price Book Kenya

Yilmaz Company Ltd (YCL) business areas:

Energy \ Energy \ Energy Equipment and Services \ Oil and Gas Equipment and Services
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Industrial Machinery
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Office Services and Supplies

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