SolarSafi Company Ltd


About SolarSafi Company Ltd ...

SolarSafi - Gives You Light and Wealth

We deal in solar TV Systems, Stage Systems, Music Systems, Home Systems, Solar Water Pumps and Street Lights

SolarSafi Company Ltd Contact Details:

Peony Estate, Hatheru Road,
Nairobi, Kenya

+254-798- 949794

SolarSafi Company Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

SolarSafi Company Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Electrical Equipment \ Electrical Components and Equipment
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Agricultural and Farm Machinery
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Consumer Electronics
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Household Appliances
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Home Improvement Retail
Utilities \ Utilities \ Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers \ Renewable Electricity

SolarSafi Company Ltd in Events, Exhibitions, Shows and Conferences:

Starts: 07/25/2019
Ends: 07/27/2019
Duration: 3 days
6th Solar Kenya 2019 - Easy Price Book Kenya
Easy Price Book Kenya
Easy Price Book Kenya

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