Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd


About Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd ...

Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd is the largest supplier of Safety, Security and Health equipment in Africa providing all necessary equipment, systems and supplies. Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd is a supplier of safety products, equipment and signage, including warning signs, lights, barriers, guards, protective clothing and boots.

Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd's mission it to provide necessary and quality Safety equipment, required to build a culture of safety.

Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd's vision it to be the leading supplier of standard safety and security equipment in the region and beyond.

Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd Contact Details:


Mfangano Trade Center, 1st Floor, Room F38, Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Commercial and Professional Services \ Commercial Services and Supplies \ Security and Alarm Services
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods \ Footwear
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Distributors \ Distributors
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Specialty Retail \ Apparel Retail
Health Care \ Health Care Equipment and Services \ Health Care Equipment and Supplies \ Health Care Equipment

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