Joy Millers Ltd


About Joy Millers Ltd ...

Joy Millers Ltd is an established agroprocessing business operating in flour and animal feeds production and transportation.

Joy Millers Ltd distributes its own Sifted and Fortified Grade 1 maize flour trading under the names Joymax and Raha Premium.

As a byproduct of maize flour milling, we produce a lot of Maize Germ which is very crucial in Joy Millers Ltd's animal feed processing which has a good market in the neighbouring regions.

Joy Millers Ltd Contact Details:


P.O Box 1120-10300,
Kerugoya, Kenya


Social Media:
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Joy Millers Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Joy Millers Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food Retail
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Packaged Foods and Meats

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