Eco Solutions Ltd


About Eco Solutions Ltd ...

Eco Solutions is a homegrown company aiming to give green solutions to Kenyans. We at Eco Solutions live by the principle of Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883 - 1955):"I am I plus my surroundings and if I do not preserve the latter I do not preserve myself"

Eco Solution aims to make an effective contribution to make a greener world, by helping people save resources, so reducing the environmental footprint of our everydays acts. We constantly monitor the environmental benefits given by the green products we sell and by the solutions we deliver to our customers.

Our solutions will always target to save the environment, save money and improve the quality of life, using the latest green technologies: energy & water saving, energy efficiency, green building, water treatment and more.

We strongly believe that a greener life is definitely a better life !!!

Eco Solutions Ltd Contact Details:


Kellico Complex, Mombasa Road,
Nairobi, Kenya


Eco Solutions Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Eco Solutions Ltd business areas:

Materials \ Materials \ Construction Materials \ Construction Materials
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Building Products \ Building Products
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Construction and Engineering \ Construction and Engineering
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Household Durables \ Homebuilding
Utilities \ Utilities \ Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers \ Renewable Electricity

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