Diamond Industries Ltd


About Diamond Industries Ltd ...

Manufacturers of quality soap and cooking oils.

Diamond Industries Limited prides itself in being the pioneers of laundry bar soaps and now is one of the leading companies in manufacturing edible oils and fats. We are driven by an entrepreneurial spirit with a passion about providing highest quality products to consumers by adding convenience to their daily routine and healthy living.

Diamond Industries Ltd Contact Details:

Website: https://www.pangasoap.co.ke

Mwangeka Road, Mombasa, Kenya
P.O Box 98107-80100,
Mombasa, Kenya

+254 (0) 773 491600 / 491939
+254 (0) 725 242009
+254 (0) 734 242009
Sales Line:
+254 (0) 713775534 / (0) 733 556861

Diamond Industries Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Diamond Industries Ltd business areas:

Consumer Staples \ Household and Personal Products \ Household Products \ Household Products
Consumer Staples \ Household and Personal Products \ Personal Products \ Personal Products

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