Botanic Treasures Ltd


About Botanic Treasures Ltd ...

Botanic Treasures Ltd is a hybrid for profit social enterprise with an overall aim of creating natural health products for combating malnutrition, degenerative diseases, food security and uplifting the economic living standards of small holder farmers mostly in Arid and Semi Arid areas through production of high quality and competitively priced moringa oleifera nutritional supplements and fortified foods that give health and nutrition advantage to the end user.

The uniqueness of this social enterprise is that it offers a win win scenario for both the marginalized farmers in the arid and semi arid regions who have for decades been dependants on relief to have a plant that can survive harsh climatic conditions. This will aid in sustaining a healthy working nation, spur economic growth and food security.

Botanic Treasures Ltd is involved in farmer capacity building, in raw material collection, transportation, processing, branding, marketing and distribution. Botanic Treasures Ltd also undertakes research and development of moringa products and other nutritious and medicinal crops in partnership with relevant organizations like the KEMRI - Kenya Medical Research Institute, KEFRI - Kenya Forestry Research Institute and KARI - Kenya Agricultural Research Institute.

This business idea offers Kenya a great opportunity to meet its vision 2030 goals of food security, employment creation and industrialization by raising house hold income levels through sustainable agribusiness and innovative value addition. The achievement of sustainability by enabling the social enterprise to support itself financially in innovative ways instead of relying solely on grants and donations.

Botanic Treasures Ltd Contact Details:


Contrust House, Moi Avenue, Arklands Shopping Suite 23
P.O. Box 43012-00100 GPO,
Nairobi, Kenya


Botanic Treasures Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

Botanic Treasures Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food Retail
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Beverages \ Soft Drinks
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products
Consumer Staples \ Household and Personal Products \ Household Products \ Household Products
Consumer Staples \ Household and Personal Products \ Personal Products \ Personal Products

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