Agro Processors International (K) Ltd
About Agro Processors International (K) Ltd ...
The Company was established in 2000 as Mombasa Cashewnut Processors (K) Limited to where it also dealt with buying and processing cashewnuts for export and local markets.
In the year 2006, it changed its name to Agro Processors International (K) Limited in order to reflect the nature of various agricultural products the company is engaged and plans to engage in. This includes, sisal, maize and other agricultural products like Jatropha.
The company owns approximately 45,000 acre of farmland of which 7000 acre are planted with sisal. It processes and manufactures raw sisal fibre mainly for export and some for local use. It has a capacity of processing more than 1350 metric tonnes per year where 70% is exported and 30% sold to the local market.
Globally the amount of sisal fibre produced annually is 22000 tonnes. High quality fibre produced in East Africa is sold to a variety of markets and used to make high quality carpet, buffing or polishing clothe and specialty pulp used to manufacture, cigarette papers and bank notes.
Among other products Sisal fibre is also increasingly used in the building industry particularly for plaster re-enforcement. Most Fibre produced in East Africa is exported, almost exclusively produced in large scale development.
Agro Processors International (K) Ltd Contact Details:
P.O. Box 85985-80100,
Mombasa, Kenya

Agro Processors International (K) Ltd business areas:
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Building Products \ Building Products
Consumer Discretionary \ Consumer Durables and Apparel \ Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods \ Textiles
Consumer Discretionary \ Retailing \ Distributors \ Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products