7th Solar Africa 2020


Kenya is all prepared to spend USD 2.1 billion on electrification in off-grid areas focusing on renewable powered minigrids. As part of the nation´s 2016-21 strategic plan, the Rural Electrification Authority aims to install around 450 minigrids powered by solar sources.

On the consumer side, it is estimated that about 25,000 to 30,000 solar PV products are traded annually in the Kenyan market and that at least every household has owned at least one solar PV product.

The 7th Solar Africa 2020 will not only serve as a platform in Kenya but the entire East and Central African region. The participation in 2020 is expected to rise by at least 30% owing to the ever increasing need of solar projects and products in Africa. While exhibitors from 14 countries participated in 2019, the figures in 2020 are expected to reach 20 countries.

7th Solar Africa 2020, organized by ExpoGroup.

Website: https://www.expogr.com/solarafrica/

7th Solar Africa 2020 - Easy Price Book Kenya
Venue: Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC), Nairobi, Kenya
Starts: 08/13/2020
Ends: 08/15/2020
Duration: 3 days
Status: Ended
Easy Price Book Kenya
Easy Price Book Kenya

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