KG Mills Ltd


About KG Mills Ltd ...

KG Mills Ltd is a professional company mainly dealing with importation, supplying and installation of agricultural and foodstuffs related machinery, we focus on giving the best solution for grain milling machine, machine spare parts, installation and offer sale services.

KG Mills Ltd's goal is to create a platform to help Kenyans and East Africans as a whole to start their own business so as to improve their lives.

KG Mills Ltd Contact Details:


Arch building 3rd Floor Room B18, Eastern bypass near Kamakis


KG Mills Ltd - Easy Price Book Kenya

KG Mills Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Agricultural and Farm Machinery
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Machinery \ Industrial Machinery
Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors

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