Grain Industries Ltd (GIL)


About Grain Industries Ltd (GIL) ...

Grain Industries Limited (GIL) is an agro processing company manufacturing a variety of flour products with a vision is to be the number one consumer goods company in Africa and beyond.

Grain Industries Limited (GIL) mission is to consistently improve the living standards of our consumers by providing them with world class quality products and services for value of money that would meet and exceed stakeholders´ expectations through innovation and technology.

Grain Industries Ltd (GIL) products include:
• Ajab All Purpose Home Baking Flour
• Ajab Chapati Flour
• Ajab Atta Mark 1 Flour
• Ajab Mandazi Flour
• Umi All Purpose Home Baking Flour
• Asili Bakers Flour

Grain Industries Ltd (GIL) Contact Details:


Mozambique / Beira Road, Shimanzi, Mombasa, Kenya


Grain Industries Ltd (GIL) - Easy Price Book Kenya

Grain Industries Ltd (GIL) business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food and Staples Retailing \ Food Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products

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