Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd


About Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd ...

Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd is a Ghanaian owned enterprise which deals in fish and livestock and operates a fish hatchery. Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd is located at Okyereko near Winneba, Ghana.

Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd produces and supplies tilapia fingerlings to fish farmers in six regions of Ghana. Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd also exports tilapia fingerlings to Nigeria and South Africa successfully.

Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd Contact Details:


Okyereko near Winneba, Ghana

P.O Box OS 2655,
Accra, Ghana

Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd - Easy Price Book Ghana

Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products

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