11th AddisBuild 2020


AddisBuild is an international construction, steel, construction machineries and infrastructure exhibition.

Organized annually since 2010, AddisBuild is the longest standing construction event in East Africa. Due to the regular increase in exhibitor and visitor numbers, AddisBuild has a lot to offer for networking and finding business leads. Being just right in the action, the AddisBuild has always been the primary choice of international companies seeking to make business in Ethiopia.

At AddisBuild benefit from the great trade and investment opportunities in Ethiopia and East Africa.

11th AddisBuild 2020, organized by Ethel Events.

Website: https://addisbuild.com

11th AddisBuild 2020 - Easy Price Book Ethiopia
Venue: Millennium Hall, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Starts: 10/14/2020
Ends: 10/17/2020
Duration: 4 days
Status: Ended
Easy Price Book Ethiopia
Easy Price Book Ethiopia

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