Abd El Wahab Sons Company


About Abd El Wahab Sons Company ...

Abd El Wahab Sons Company is a private Egyption firm established in 2000, with the aim of exporting agricultural products under the brand names: Sun set - Eagles - Cleopatra

Abd El Wahab Sons Company products include:
• Citrus - Navel Orange, Valencia Orange, Baladi Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit
• Watermelon
• Grapes
• Pomegranates
• Strawberry
• Melon
• Green Beans
• Pepper
• Onion

Abd El Wahab Sons Company Contact Details:

Website: https://www.abdelwahab-sons.com

54 K.M Alexandria Cairo Desert Road, Abou Elmatamir Albehira, Egypt

(+2) 010 0030 7010
(+2) 012 8143 9528
(+2) 010 0094 5953
(+2) 010 0058 0602
(+2) 010 0319 8888
(+2) 010 2006 6636

Abd El Wahab Sons Company - Easy Price Book Egypt

Abd El Wahab Sons Company business areas:

Industrials \ Capital Goods \ Trading Companies and Distributors \ Trading Companies and Distributors
Consumer Staples \ Food, Beverage and Tobacco \ Food Products \ Agricultural Products

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